2008 in memory

It's that time of the year again for me to look back and reminiscence on the good times, learn from your mistakes, bla bla blah of the past year. As always, these past 365 days is filled with bitter-sweet memories. Some are pretty good and some are just plain bad. Here's what happened in 2008.

Nothing much happened in January this year. My wife was heavily pregnant with our second only child and we found out (much to my delight) that it's going to be a girl.

In February, I took my family for a short trip to my in laws place in Manjung, Perak. I think that's the only vacation (sort of) that we took this year. During that 3 days 2 nights stay we had lots of fun especially with the picnic that we had at the Teluk Batik beach. February also marks the beginning of the General Election fever and I joined in the fun by writing this little piece that got featured on Malaysia Today, of all places. I won't deny that I was brimming with pride when that article was published there below The Corridors of Power and No Holds Barred. To think that I was not even remotely interested in politics a few months before. Today I'm a full-fledged supporter of the Pakatan Rakyat coalition.

Aaah, who could forget March of 2008. I voted for the first time ever in the March's General Election and along with more than half of other Malaysians, we voted for a change. Long before Obama and the Americans go clamouring for change, we Malaysians did it first in that political tsunami that gave the Opposition control in 5 states and denied the seemingly mighty and invincible BN 2/3 majority in Parliament. This is just the beginning. I believe when more and more enlightened young voters like me went to the polls next time (2013 the earliest), another party aside from BN will be in power. Mark my word.

Still in March, on the way back from the elections my son's head accidentally smashed into the windscreen of our car because he just couldn't sit still. It costs us a cool 400 ringgit to replace the windscreen. 25th March 2008 was definitely one of the happiest day of our lives when we welcomed our 2nd child, Mia Ariana into the world.

In April we finally subscribed to our first paid satellite TV ever, Astro. That was only after they offered me an irresistible 80 ringgit installation fees and they threw in a free decoder and dish as well. The next month, I bought myself my first ever notebook, the Asus EEE PC 4G. It was a dream comes true sort of moment for me. I've been wanting a notebook of my own since like forever. Little that I know, it's going to turn into a nightmare not long after that.

In June we started sending Adam and Mia to a new kindergarten/nursery. We were less than satisfied with the previous place and found out Tadika Bestari Ceria is a better place to send our kids to. June also marked the month our dear Pak Lah (prime minister for all) hiked up the fuel price to a record RM2.70 per liter compounding the miseries of millions of Malaysians. That's something he should take time and ponder after his early retirement next year. My Linda celebrated her 27th birthday this year. Who would have thought that Bujal finally found his one true love this year?

9 July 2008 was probably the darkest hours of my family. A gang of thieves broke into our home and got away with most of our prized possessions (including my PC and notebook). We never recovered any of our belongings despite the police's assurance that they are hot on the heels of the thugs. If I didn't know better, I'd say the thieves are in cahoots with the investigating officer in Seri Kembangan. Highly unlikely you say? I'm not so sure about that.

Since the thieves took our wireless broadband along during the break in, I was without Internet for almost a month. Only after we paid Maxis 600 bucks for the new modem that we're back online in August.

In September, I think we somewhat recovered from the tragedy last July. At least I can afford to get a new digital camera to replace the one that I lost. September is also remembered as the month my hero, RPK was thrown into Kamunting under the dreaded ISA.

It was Aidilfitri again in October. This year it was our turn to celebrate at my wife's hometown in Tanah Merah. October also witnessed the day Faiz dragged me and the entire family to Sungai Buloh to meet our possible future in laws. Hmm, he seems to be quiet about it at the moment. Nothing exciting happened much in November save for that historic Obama victory. We terminated our Maxis wireless broadband subscription during the same month. Last week we received our final bill totalling something around RM220 ringgit. Yes, Maxis even had the audacity to suck our blood one last time by charging us this ridiculous 200 ringgit discontinuation of service handling fee. Give me one reason why I shouldn't switch my phone line to Celcom.

I didn't have Internet at home for most of December until (after going through so much trouble) I successfully registered for Celcom wireless broadband. Although the USB modem costs me 400 ringgit, I assure you it's all worth it with Celcom. I got a new niece when my sister delivered her second child on the 26th of this month.

Although I had a few good moments in 2008, I think what happened in July just overshadows everything that's good this year. As much as I hate to admit it, I think my Boss is right when he said never take anything for granted. Lesson truly learned. So goodbye 2008, hello to 2009. I hope things will be much better next year.

p.s: I do have a new year resolution (2 in fact). You'll have to see it for yourself to find out :)

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