This Hari Raya (Eid) I drove home in our brand new Perodua Alza. Since we departed one day after the balik kampung rush, traffic was smooth sailing all the way from KL. Plus driving with automatic transmission made it so much less tiring.
The first 2 days were spent at my in laws' place in Tanah Merah. The day before Raya only we drove home to my home town in Pasir Mas.
First thing first, gotta pay one's zakat (tithe). This year's sum is RM7.00 per person so altogether it's RM35.00 for me to pay for 5 person (instead of 4 last year). Yes I always wait until the last day before Raya.
Buka puasa or break of fast today was a little feast with all my favorite food like ayam percik, onde-onde and sugar cane drink. It's nice to be able eat together with all my grandma, uncles, aunts and cousins again. It's not often we can do that. Sometimes only once a year if we're lucky.

Eid morning my family and I went to the local town mosque to pray as usual. This year I didn't see any familiar faces like my old friends from school.
Then we went to the local cemetery to read prayers to our dear departed, especially my late great grandparents, as usual.
Back home we get to eat all the delicious food prepared by the women of the house. This year my yearly duty of cooking the satay has been taken over by my cousins. I have retired from this service permanently.
Then it is time for merry-making, giving out money to our kids, parent and basically everybody who is still unemployed. This is not compulsory in Islam but more of a Malay tradition.
Unlike last year, this year I am well-prepared and actually have money to give away to everybody. So everybody got one including my grandma and parent. It's not much but as always it's the thought that counts. Alhamdulillah.
Our Raya clothes theme for this year is cream which is coincidentally the same color as our curtains. It was yellow initially but we can't find one that is not ugly. This is my family portrait for Raya. Yes, little Hana Alisha there is a new addition to the family album. Salam Eid and have a great Hari Raya to everyone!