I remember the time when I was 9 years old I had my circumcision. Therefore it is only apt that my 9 years old son had his also this year. We booked for his appointment at a clinic in Tanah Merah weeks in advance and went back to our hometown for the occasion. Adam was not really scared or terrified at the prospect of having his private part mutilated by a doctor. I told him frankly that it will going to be a painful process and he accepted it. He also didn't ask for anything special or expensive as a treat. Just a simple meal at KFC the day before.
The appointment was at 9:00 am but we had to wait for our turn for over 2 hours because every session lasted nearly 45 minutes. Understandably you can't rush these things. I was there all the way during his circumcision, grasping his hand when he twitched silently in pain. So that's how the do it. Now I know how my d turned out to be the way it is today. During my time, I don't have my Dad or uncle or any male relatives accompanying. It was my Mom that stood by my side. And just like back in my day, it was raining all morning. The whole thing costs us RM130, slightly cheaper than in the city. But it's not really so much about the money. Back home, we have Adam's grandparent to look after him while he recovers. And look after they did with much tender, loving and care.
By the time I write this, Adam had almost completely healed himself. The first 12 hours or so he was afraid to even relief himself in the toilet. I had to make him go and do it and show him how to wash it carefully. Son, you're a big boy now. Soon you'll have to pray five times a day and do manly chores for the family. I'm so proud of you. Look forward to see you again soon.