Earlier this year, I passed my 10th year anniversary working at this company. Needless to say, it was the longest I've ever been at any company in my working career. The longest I've been at a single company previously was 5 years. Sure they've been ups and downs and little troubles and tribulations but nothing serious that made me considered leaving the company. I'm a loyal kind of guy, in life, football club, love, friends and also career. If the company treats me well, I have little reason to look elsewhere.
In the 10 years that I've been at this company, I've gone to a job interview at another company a total of one time. And even that's only for an institute affiliated to a major statutory body in Malaysia. An acquaintance who worked there set me up for an interview which I ultimately did't get the job because they found someone better. Frustrated? Sure but then, I wouldn't be spending the next 6 years at this lovely company had I nailed it.
I must confess, the job can be stressful at times. Especially if you get a demanding boss with never-ending orders and tasks. Of course I was expected to do my work, whatever it is assigned to me by my superiors but a good manager can be the difference between a stressful week at work and a peaceful one. I've had my fair share of difficult managers but all I can say, much of them have moved on to other places and the ones that I have right now are quite alright in comparison. So I can say I'm mostly at peace now coming to work.
My former boss once asked me, Afif, how long do you want to do tech support? I don't have an answer back then but I believed I want to do something that makes me happy or at least content. I still do tech support from time to time but, I'm on the second level now. Mostly dealing with systems, applications and servers. There's less brunt work but more wrecking your brain to find a solution for all sort of user issues which can make my blood pressure go up from time to time.
Where do I go from here? To be honest, I'm in what they call - my comfort zone. And you can't underestimate how much I love my comfort zone. I'm hanging on to it like my favourite bolster. I like the work schedule - early in, early out. Short working days during the term breaks. Free one week holidays every year. Guaranteed bonus every year (although the amount had been stuck at 1 month these past 3 years). There's a little bit of increment too for everybody. Like I said, it's a very comfortable zone. I don't have the motivation to find any jobs elsewhere, unless something bad or drastic happens or something came up, an opportunity that I can't refuse (whatever that may be).
I've learned a lot, from my colleagues, my friends, my superiors, my customers (staff, students and parents) and also from experience. It made me more mature and gave me so much wisdom and valuable lessons. I think I've grown so much these past decade and I must thank the management for giving me all the opportunities and career development path. There's still so much I will need to learn but I have all the time in the world here.
For my 10th year anniversary, the company gave me a thousand ringgit in cash and then organized a little tea party for all staff that reached that milestone. That's me and around two dozen others. Some are in the 15th year, some 20th and the longest that day is 25 years. Will I'll still be here in another 10 years time? Only time will tell. Honestly, I can see myself retiring here.