We made a brief stop at Linda's folks place in Tanah Merah first. The journey this time took 11 hours and 90 ringgit of petrol. Usually it's only half of that. Sometimes I was so sleepy during my driving that I can barely open my eyes. Thankfully I got 7GB of music to sing along to out loud for most part of the journey. We arrived in Pasir Mas just in time for fast breaking. I already ordered my favourite percik chicken beforehand and we also had a variety of other delicacies that is too many to mention.
On Hari Raya (Eid-ul Fitr) we went to the town mosque for the customary Eid-ul Fitr prayers. This time I brought Adam along and I prayed that he didn't make any fuss or go running everywhere while we pray. Fortunately he didn't. In fact he even prayed along by my side. Giving him the iPhone to play before and after prayers sure helped.
Then we head to the local graveyard to visit my great-grandmother's final resting place before finally returning home for our other annual ritual. Asking for forgiveness and duit raya (money) giving ceremony.
Eid-ul Fitr this year is somewhat special for me too because for the first time in years I can finally wear a complete baju melayu dress with samping and actually look good in it! Last year I bought a complete set too but I decided not to wear it on the last minute because I looked really fat in that dress. This year has been a very special year for me. Hopefully next year will be the same too :)