Music is a big part in my life. I can’t imagine going through a day without hearing some kind of music. Well actually I can but it will be pretty boring. I start the morning listening to the radio while getting ready for work. When I drive, playing some songs on the stereo is a must. And sometimes when I’m relaxing at home I will turn on the radio again or listen to my music library or tune in to Spotify.
Now Spotify is a relatively new introduction to me. Suddenly I have this huge collection of music from practically every artist, singers and bands in the world at my fingertip. I can listen to them anywhere, anytime using my phone or computer. Unlike iTunes, I don’t need to purchase the full song to listen to them because I could just stream them on-demand every time. What’s more, since I don’t download them mp3 files to my devices, they won’t take up precious space. Coupled with my Digi Music Freedom plan a while back, it’s a perfect combination. So how do they make money from this service? By offering ad-free music through its Premium subscription and also by running ads for their non-premium customers of course.
The Spotify ads is another topic by itself. They are quite frequent and sometimes notoriously annoying. The ads are like punishment to all their non-paying customers if I must say. They’re so bad sometimes I just feel turned off listening to Spotify altogether. One day however, they have this promotion where you pay only 2 ringgit for 2 months of Spotify Premium subscription. I thought 2 ringgit, what am I going to lose right? I could always cancel the subscription if it suck. So I decided to give it a try.
First thing I noticed about Spotify Premium is the fucken annoying ads. They’re gone completely. They’re not like Astro satellite TV where you already pay through your nose for content but keep being bombarded with endless ads. There’s no ads whatsoever. And then I love how I can skip back and forth and directly to a song instead of listening to them one by one in a playlist in the non-premium plan. Lastly I like how you can download all the songs you want to your mobile devices for offline listening. You don’t get any of those awesome features in the free plan. There's also this cool little feature where you can control the Spotify app playback say from your smartphone to your desktop or vice versa. So let's say you're too lazy to move to the desktop to skip a song you can do it from your phone.
In the end I enjoyed Spotify Premium so much I decided to continue my subscription after the 2 months trial. Their marketing plan actually work! Give the cheapskate users a taste of Spotify Premium and now they’re hooked just like substance abuse. If you love music like me and you’d like to have them wherever and whenever 24/7 give Spotify Premium a try. Even without the 2 ringgit promo you still can try Spotify Premium free for 30 days. After that you’ll be charged 15 ringgit per month for Malaysian customers. I’ve been a Premium subscriber for over a year now and I have to say I’m quite pleased with this service.
As always this post is not sponsored or paid whatsoever by Spotify or their affiliates. If a service or product is really good, I’ll promote them for free in my social media channels.