Our first
date in a long-long time that is. It's been so long since Linda and I went out together. Yeah maybe we left Adam at her nursery once in a while to do our groceries shopping but that didn't count. We wanna go out, just the two of us like the good old times. So we decided to do just that last Thursday.

Coincidentally we already made an appointment with the Seri Kembangan clinic for Mia's monthly check up. Today we arrived very early, just before 7:30 AM and we were the 6th person in line. Still we had to wait for over an hour (from the usual 2-3 hours) to finish our check up and everything. I heard from somewhere before they wanted to cut the waiting time to an hour or something? Yeah right. Mia received another immunization shot for today. She cried for like 5 seconds and then she continued sleeping. Such a strong girl.

Oh did I say we left Adam with her aunt at home? He was still asleep when we left this morning. After the clinic, we dropped Mia at her nursery and went straight to
Jusco Cheras Selatan for our 'date'. First we had a late breakfast at Old Town White Coffee. This is my only second visit ever and Linda's first time eating there.

Previously, every end of the month (i.e pay day) we will usually give ourselves a treat at one of those fast food joints. I think everybody in my family grew tired of that by now. So from now on I think we gonna try all the local franchises instead. And let's face it, the food like the ones served at Old Town here is so much healthier and cheaper too. I had a
javanese mee for breakfast today while Linda had a
tom yam mee with crabstick. That + 2 glasses of iced coffee + taxes costs us only RM23.00.

Then we went to get Linda a present for her birthday. Before this we used to surprise each other with presents but one day Linda bought me a shirt (I think) for my birthday and I didn't
like wear it and everybody gets upset in turn. Therefore from then on we decided to give each other
subtle hints just before our birthdays so that we get an idea of what to buy and everybody's happy! This year for example, Linda kept reminding me about her broken watch. I know this B.U.M watch is not the most expensive or beautiful watch out there but the important thing is she liked it very much and it's from me...

The reason we went to Jusco Cheras Selatan in the first place was to watch a movie at the
TGV outlet there. The last time we watched any movie at a cineplex was 4 years ago, before we got married and before Adam was born. After that we've been pretty much preoccupied with our kid(s) and work. We watched the movie
Get Smart this afternoon, starring Steve Farrel and Anne Hathaway. The movie was not bad but that's beside the point. We just wanna spend some quality time together that's what matters. Gosh we forgot how cold it is in a cinema. Next time remember to dress warm.

Next we went to
Tesco Extra in Cheras to do our monthly groceries (hey, somebody gotta do it, some time!). Before we go home we bought some train tickets at the Serdang train station because...

... we wanted to send 'Batman' here and his aunt back home to Tanah Merah. It was Adam's turn to have
conjunctivitis and before he infects her mom or anybody else (or worse, Mia again), we've decided it's best that he goes back for a while. Anyway, he's really excited about the trip and he can't wait to see grandpa and grandma again.
Although Adam only left us yesterday and he will be staying there for just over a week, we do miss him already (especially his mother). You take care now dude and get well soon.
Aaah. I think this is the most fun and eventful day in my life so far this year. I think we should definitely do this more often right Mama?
(the dating thing, not the sending Adam home thing of course ;))