OldTown White Coffee - Asam Laksa
Don't know why but I suddenly have this huge craving for a bowl of authentic asam laksa noodle from a kopitiam. I never liked anything laksa before and I'm not even pregnant! I must have been hit but one of those weird cosmic ray thus the strange behavior. I tried looking around the regular food joint and eateries but they don't serve any asam laksa. So in the end I have no choice but to visit this overpriced franchise restaurant called OldTown White Coffee (sounds familiar?).
A bowl of this nice tasting asam laksa is a whooping RM8.90 but it's okay because my friend Bujal treated me for lunch because I looked particularly handsome today. Thanks Bobot!

i-City - it's just some blinking lights
i-City is a new hightech township which will incorporate retail and commercial hub with advanced information communication structure in section 8, Shah Alam. The first phase of the multi-billion project is already completed in 2008 while the entire township is expected to finish by 2015.
In conjunction with Chinese New Year, i-City has installed millions of LED lights at it's CityWalk and CityPark which has became a popular tourists attraction at night. If you plan to come here, you are advised to come early to avoid traffic and the huge crowd. FYI the place opens to public from 7:00PM till late. And one more thing, you might want to enter through the back entrance and park at the tiered parking area. The front entrance is almost always congested with cars and people.
Apart from the outdoor lights showcase, there's also a small indoor LED lights exhibition next to the parking lot. Looking at the rein deers, igloos and snowman, I'm guessing the theme for this little exhibit is Christmas. You'll have to take turns to get into the small place.

If you're really into lights, then this is the place to be. Dozens of digital maple and pine light trees make for a colourful forest that delights the eyes.
At one end of CityPark, visitors will walk between rows of Chinese cherry blossoms and spot LED peacocks and other creatures of the forest at a nearby pond shrouded by the digital lights.
Walking under the CityWalk section, visitors will be wowed by rows upon rows of red lanterns lending the place a traditional Chinese New Year atmosphere with a modern twist.

If you're wondering how much those glow in the dark Mickey Mouse or devil's ears costs, it's 5 ringgit and you can find a handful of people selling them around the park.
As I said before, if you enter from the front - brace yourself for long queues and blaring horns.
With so much electricity used, i-City will be TNB's best friend forever! They must have spent millions to foot the electric bill every month. I guess this is one of their marketing plan to attract potential customers or investors.
You are not advised to touch the LED lights for fear of electrocution.
Overall, I think i-City's LED light showcase is an interesting place to visit for first timers. But after a while it kinda lost it's awe and charm. Will I visit this place again in the future? Probably not. Well, unless I have some business to attend to here. I have no idea how long this showcase will last but if you're planning to come here, come early and use the back entrance. Entrance and parking is free, for now at least. To get here, take the Federal Highway and turn right at the Padang Jawa exit and then just follow the signboard to i-City.

Faiz's Wedding
Today is my brother Faiz's big day. If he had it his way, Faiz would have married that girl from Sungai Buloh and we'd be having roti canai and curry at his place every weekend. But fate had other plans for him. So today he's going to marry this young girl from Tanjung Malim instead.
Most of my uncles and aunts were here for the wedding including my grandmother from back home. We gathered at my uncle's place in Kota Damansara before leaving for Tanjung Malim.
I know travelling on the road a day before the 2nd biggest holiday celebration in the country is asking for trouble but since Faiz had it all planned out for today, we had no choice. Sure enough we were caught in a terrible crawl from just after Kota Damansara all the way to Slim River, that's two different states mind you. And the sun was merciless on us today. It was simply scorching hot.
From the mosque, we visited the bride's place right in the middle of Felda Besout. So here she is, the newest addition to our family - Siti Mariam. Only 18 years of age. And I thought I married young! They were simple people leading a really simple life. Faiz met her father while going out for tabligh together and one thing lead to another and before you know it we hear Faiz is ready to settle down and get married.
In the end it was a real simple yet merry wedding. There was no dais, tents, catering, karaokes or elaborate ceremonies, just a simple meet and greet session and lunch, just the way the bride's family wanted.
Okay Faiz, you're a big man now with even bigger responsibilities. I hope that you will be a good husband, father and not forgetting a good son too. Congratulations and may you live happily ever after.
Faiz's Wedding from Afif Rais on Vimeo.
The akad ceremony was supposed to start at 12:30PM but we kept the Imam waiting a full hour because of traffic. But everything went on smoothly from there onwards. After hearing a mini-sermon from the Imam, Faiz proceeded with the akad-nikah ceremony and shortly after he is somebody's husband. Check out the video above that I captured. You can hear father of the bride almost choking in tears while handing over his daughter for marriage. I know it's never easy giving away your precious daughter that you raised and looked after all these years.Okay Faiz, you're a big man now with even bigger responsibilities. I hope that you will be a good husband, father and not forgetting a good son too. Congratulations and may you live happily ever after.
Malay Evergreen mp3
Aside from the usual rock and pop music, I also listen to a lot of other genres including old evergreen songs, local or international. And as my national service to future generations, I have searched and compiled here 189 Malay evergreen songs from all over the Internet before they disappear forever. I hope that someday my kids and his peers can also enjoy these awesome songs as much as I do.
(Also check out my rock and pop Malay mp3s)
1. A. Romzie & S. Roha - Usik mengusik bawa bahagia
2. 2 by 2 - Pak pung Pak Mustafe
3. A. Halim - Salam mesra
4. A. Rahman - Tak mengapa
5. A. Romzie - Katakan padaku
6. Abdullah Chik & Zaleha Hamid - Gurindam jiwa
7. Adibah Noor - Hujan
8. Adibah Noor - Ikan di laut asam di darat
9. Ahmad Daud - Si manis 17
10. Ahmad Daud & Saloma - Sudah kahwin ke belum
11. Ahmad Jais - Gambus Jodoh
12. Ahmad Jais & Rafeah Buang - Selasih ku sayang
13. Ahmad Jusoh - Dia datang
14. Ahmad Mahmud & Rahmah Rahmat - Tanda kasih
15. Aishah - Bahtera merdeka
16. Al-Mizan - Junjungan mulia
17. Ali Mamak - Joget dimanalah jodoh
18. Alleycats - Berita dari rantau
19. Alleycats - Jika kau bercinta lagi
20. Alleycats - Senandung semalam
21. Alleycats - Senyumlah Kuala Lumpur
22. Alleycats - Seribu bintang
23. Ally Noor & Mastura - Alahai anak omak
24. Ally Noor & Mastura - Apa kono eh Anizam Adam
25. Amir - Zikir kasih
26. Anita Sarawak - Ayam den lapeh
27. Anita Sarawak - Joget sayang di sayang
28. Arie Wibowo - Madu dan racun
29. Aris Ariwatan - Cinta tak kenal siapa
30. Azizah Mohammad - Syurga idaman
31. Azlina Aziz - Wajahmu dimana-mana
32. Black Dog Bone - Hatiku luka lagi
33. Black Dog Bone - Joget sindir pesan
34. Black Dog Bone - Kau datang bawa cahaya
35. Black Dog Bone - Si gadis ayu
36. Blues Gang - Apo nak dikato
37. Blues Gang - Oh mama saya mahu kawin
38. Broery Marantika - Hapuslah air matamu
39. Broery Marantika - Senja di Kuala Lumpur
40. Broery Marantika & Dewi Yull - Jangan ada dusta antara kita
41. Broery Marantika & Sharifah Aini - Seiring dan sejalan
42. Carefree - Belaian jiwa
43. Carefree - Dendangan laguku
44. Carefree - Joget Mak Enon
45. Carefree - Rindu bayangan
46. Carefree - Si baju hijau
47. Diana Nasution - Benci tapi rindu
48. DJ Dave - Di desa kasihku tertumpah
49. Dj Dave & Uji Rashid - Rintihan rasa
50. Emilia Contessa - Hitam manis
51. Fatimah M Amin - Oh teruna
52. Fauziah Ahmad Daud - Wajah rahsia hati
53. Fauziah Latif - Aku masih seperti dulu
54. Fauziah Latif - Bukan kemahuan fikiran
55. Flybaits - Kasih berubah
56. Flybaits - Kenangan lalu
57. Francesca Peters & Jamal Abdillah - Kehebatan cinta
58. Francesca Peters - Ku ke udara lagi
59. Francesca Peters - Kau lilin cintaku
60. Francesca Peters - Oo la la tropika
61. Francesca Peters & Roy - Siapa dia sebelum daku
62. Francesca Peters & Roy - Tak kenal maka tak cinta
63. Gingerbread - Ku cari damai di hati
64. Gingerbread - Kau kurindukan
65. Gingerbread - Namun ku punya hati
66. Halim Napi - Anak tupai
67. Harmoni - Penantian
68. Hetty Koes Endang - Kasih
69. Izam & Waheeda - Kompang dipalu
70. J. Sham - Surat untukmu
71. Jamal Abdillah - Kau lupa janji
72. Jamal Abdillah - Penghujung rindu
73. Jamal Abdillah & Amelina - Seri Langkat
74. Jamal Abdillah & Siti Sarah - Sandarkan pada kenangan
75. Jamaliah Sarip & Abdullah Chik - Setangkai kembang melati
76. Jefrydin - Kenanganku
77. Jefrydin - Seruling anak gembala
78. Julie Remie - Bang ayuh bang
79. Kalibers - Nasib malang
80. Kenny Remy Martin - Suratan atau kebetulan
81. Khadijah Ibrahim - Kupendam sebuah duka
82. Kompang
83. L. Ramlee - Dara pujaan
84. L. Ramlee - Siapa bilang aku tak kasih sayang
85. Lagu pengantin - Di renjis - renjis
86. M. Daud Kilau - Cik Mek Molek
87. M. Daud Kilau - Di renjis - renjis
88. M. Nasir - Keroncong untuk Ana
89. M. Nasir - Suatu masa
90. M. Nasir - Hati emas
91. M. Nasir & Yunizar Hussein - Dua insan
92. M. Osman - Suzana
93. Metropolitan - Disebalik rahsia cinta
94. Min Malik - Flora cinta
95. Noor Kumalasari - Selamat pagi sayang
96. Noor Kumalasari - Lagu dari kamar
97. P. Ramlee - Aduh sayang
98. P. Ramlee - Azizah
99. P. Ramlee - Malam bulan dipagar bintang
100. P. Ramlee - Bujang lapok
101. P. Ramlee - Bunyi gitar
102. P. Ramlee - Dalam air terbayang wajah
103. P. Ramlee - Dengar ini cerita
104. P. Ramlee - Dimana kan ku cari ganti
105. P. Ramlee - Engkau laksana bulan
106. P. Ramlee - Gambus jodoh
107. P. Ramlee - Hanya dikau
108. P. Ramlee - Kisah rumah tangga
109. P. Ramlee - Lanang tunang tak jadi
110. P. Ramlee - Malam ku bermimpi
111. P. Ramlee - Menceceh bujang lapok
112. P. Ramlee - Nak dara rindu
113. P. Ramlee - Nasi goreng bubur kacang
114. P. Ramlee - Nujum Pak Belalang
115. P. Ramlee - Pok pok bujang lapok
116. P. Ramlee - Pukul tiga pagi
117. P. Ramlee - Sedangkan lidah lagi tergigit
118. P. Ramlee - Senjakala
119. P. Ramlee - Terbang burung terbang
120. P. Ramlee - Tiada kata secantik bahasa
121. P. Ramlee - Tidurlah wahai permaisuri
122. P. Ramlee - Ya habibi Ali Baba
123. R. Ismail - Pengantin bersanding
124. R. Azmi - Pak Hitam
125. Rafeah Buang - Tunggu sekejap
126. Rafeah Buang - Udang sama udang
127. Ramli Sarip - Senandung hidup berbudi
128. Ramli Sarip & Khatijah Ibrahim - Kumiliki bayanganmu
129. Ria Resty Fauzy - Cintaku sampai ke Ethiopia
130. Rina Rahman - Kuingin bahagia
131. Rosemaria - Kisah kisah masa lalu
132. Rosiah Chik - Zapin senandung sayang
133. S. Fauziah - Zapin yaladan
134. Salamiah Hassan - Gelombang
135. Salamiah Hassan - Menghitung hari
136. Salih Yaacob - Puteri remaja
137. Saloma - Istana cinta
138. Saloma - Kain songket
139. Saloma - Kenek-kenek udang
140. Saloma - Perwira
141. Saloma - Pesta muda mudi
142. Saloma - Sekapur sireh sulas pinang
143. Saloma - Selamat pengantin baru
144. Sanisah Huri - Sejakku bertemu padamu
145. Sanisah Huri - Si baju hijau
146. Sanisah Huri - Tari tualang tiga
147. Senaria & Adibah Noor - Zapin cinta SMS
148. Sharifah Aini - Bunga tanjung
149. Sharifah Aini - Dipinggir kayangan
150. Sharifah Aini - Dondang sayang
151. Sharifah Aini - Hatiku dicuri lagi
152. Sharifah Aini - Mawar putih untukmu mama
153. Sharifah Aini - Medley nostalgia
154. Sharifah Aini - Seri Dewi Malam
155. Sharifah Aini - Seri Mersing
156. Sharifah Aini - Terbang helang
157. Sharifah Aini & Herman Tino - Serampang laut
158. Sheila Majid - Hitam putih kehidupan
159. Sheila Majid - Wajah rahsia hati
160. Sohaimi Meor Hassan - Epilog cinta dari Bromley
161. Sohaimi Meor Hassan - Apabila isteriku tertawa
162. Sudirman - Apa khabar orang kampung
163. Sudirman - Ayah dan ibu
164. Sudirman - Bila wajahmu ku bayangkan
165. Sudirman - Hujan
166. Sudirman - Jauh di sudut hati
167. Sudirman - Joget kenangan manis
168. Sudirman - Mak inang Melayu
169. Sudirman - Nilai cintamu
170. Sudirman - Patah hati
171. Sudirman - Pelangi petang
172. Sudirman - Warisan
173. Sudirman & Zaleha Hamid - Seri langkat
174. Sweet September - Hatiku kau guris luka
175. Syura - Joget gadis melayu
176. Tari tualang tiga
177. Tetty Kadi - Sepanjang jalan kenangan
178. Titi Said - Indung indung
179. Titiek Puspa - Marilah kemari
180. Uji Rashid - Semakin hari semakin sayang
181. Wann - Apa guna berjanji
182. Wheels - Dalam kenangan
183. Yaladan
184. Yuni Shara - Mengapa tiada maaf
185. Zainuri M. Dom - Ala emak kahwinkan aku
186. Zaleha Hamid - Bunga rampai
187. Zaleha Hamid - Laksamana mati dibunuh
188. Zam Zam - Bibir mesra jiwa parah
189. Malek Ridzuan - Kuala Lumpur Oh Kuala Lumpur
(Also check out my rock and pop Malay mp3s)
1. A. Romzie & S. Roha - Usik mengusik bawa bahagia
2. 2 by 2 - Pak pung Pak Mustafe
3. A. Halim - Salam mesra
4. A. Rahman - Tak mengapa
5. A. Romzie - Katakan padaku
6. Abdullah Chik & Zaleha Hamid - Gurindam jiwa
7. Adibah Noor - Hujan
8. Adibah Noor - Ikan di laut asam di darat
9. Ahmad Daud - Si manis 17
10. Ahmad Daud & Saloma - Sudah kahwin ke belum
11. Ahmad Jais - Gambus Jodoh
12. Ahmad Jais & Rafeah Buang - Selasih ku sayang
13. Ahmad Jusoh - Dia datang
14. Ahmad Mahmud & Rahmah Rahmat - Tanda kasih
15. Aishah - Bahtera merdeka
16. Al-Mizan - Junjungan mulia
17. Ali Mamak - Joget dimanalah jodoh
18. Alleycats - Berita dari rantau
19. Alleycats - Jika kau bercinta lagi
20. Alleycats - Senandung semalam
21. Alleycats - Senyumlah Kuala Lumpur
22. Alleycats - Seribu bintang
23. Ally Noor & Mastura - Alahai anak omak
24. Ally Noor & Mastura - Apa kono eh Anizam Adam
25. Amir - Zikir kasih
26. Anita Sarawak - Ayam den lapeh
27. Anita Sarawak - Joget sayang di sayang
28. Arie Wibowo - Madu dan racun
29. Aris Ariwatan - Cinta tak kenal siapa
30. Azizah Mohammad - Syurga idaman
31. Azlina Aziz - Wajahmu dimana-mana
32. Black Dog Bone - Hatiku luka lagi
33. Black Dog Bone - Joget sindir pesan
34. Black Dog Bone - Kau datang bawa cahaya
35. Black Dog Bone - Si gadis ayu
36. Blues Gang - Apo nak dikato
37. Blues Gang - Oh mama saya mahu kawin
38. Broery Marantika - Hapuslah air matamu
39. Broery Marantika - Senja di Kuala Lumpur
40. Broery Marantika & Dewi Yull - Jangan ada dusta antara kita
41. Broery Marantika & Sharifah Aini - Seiring dan sejalan
42. Carefree - Belaian jiwa
43. Carefree - Dendangan laguku
44. Carefree - Joget Mak Enon
45. Carefree - Rindu bayangan
46. Carefree - Si baju hijau
47. Diana Nasution - Benci tapi rindu
48. DJ Dave - Di desa kasihku tertumpah
49. Dj Dave & Uji Rashid - Rintihan rasa
50. Emilia Contessa - Hitam manis
51. Fatimah M Amin - Oh teruna
52. Fauziah Ahmad Daud - Wajah rahsia hati
53. Fauziah Latif - Aku masih seperti dulu
54. Fauziah Latif - Bukan kemahuan fikiran
55. Flybaits - Kasih berubah
56. Flybaits - Kenangan lalu
57. Francesca Peters & Jamal Abdillah - Kehebatan cinta
58. Francesca Peters - Ku ke udara lagi
59. Francesca Peters - Kau lilin cintaku
60. Francesca Peters - Oo la la tropika
61. Francesca Peters & Roy - Siapa dia sebelum daku
62. Francesca Peters & Roy - Tak kenal maka tak cinta
63. Gingerbread - Ku cari damai di hati
64. Gingerbread - Kau kurindukan
65. Gingerbread - Namun ku punya hati
66. Halim Napi - Anak tupai
67. Harmoni - Penantian
68. Hetty Koes Endang - Kasih
69. Izam & Waheeda - Kompang dipalu
70. J. Sham - Surat untukmu
71. Jamal Abdillah - Kau lupa janji
72. Jamal Abdillah - Penghujung rindu
73. Jamal Abdillah & Amelina - Seri Langkat
74. Jamal Abdillah & Siti Sarah - Sandarkan pada kenangan
75. Jamaliah Sarip & Abdullah Chik - Setangkai kembang melati
76. Jefrydin - Kenanganku
77. Jefrydin - Seruling anak gembala
78. Julie Remie - Bang ayuh bang
79. Kalibers - Nasib malang
80. Kenny Remy Martin - Suratan atau kebetulan
81. Khadijah Ibrahim - Kupendam sebuah duka
82. Kompang
83. L. Ramlee - Dara pujaan
84. L. Ramlee - Siapa bilang aku tak kasih sayang
85. Lagu pengantin - Di renjis - renjis
86. M. Daud Kilau - Cik Mek Molek
87. M. Daud Kilau - Di renjis - renjis
88. M. Nasir - Keroncong untuk Ana
89. M. Nasir - Suatu masa
90. M. Nasir - Hati emas
91. M. Nasir & Yunizar Hussein - Dua insan
92. M. Osman - Suzana
93. Metropolitan - Disebalik rahsia cinta
94. Min Malik - Flora cinta
95. Noor Kumalasari - Selamat pagi sayang
96. Noor Kumalasari - Lagu dari kamar
97. P. Ramlee - Aduh sayang
98. P. Ramlee - Azizah
99. P. Ramlee - Malam bulan dipagar bintang
100. P. Ramlee - Bujang lapok
101. P. Ramlee - Bunyi gitar
102. P. Ramlee - Dalam air terbayang wajah
103. P. Ramlee - Dengar ini cerita
104. P. Ramlee - Dimana kan ku cari ganti
105. P. Ramlee - Engkau laksana bulan
106. P. Ramlee - Gambus jodoh
107. P. Ramlee - Hanya dikau
108. P. Ramlee - Kisah rumah tangga
109. P. Ramlee - Lanang tunang tak jadi
110. P. Ramlee - Malam ku bermimpi
111. P. Ramlee - Menceceh bujang lapok
112. P. Ramlee - Nak dara rindu
113. P. Ramlee - Nasi goreng bubur kacang
114. P. Ramlee - Nujum Pak Belalang
115. P. Ramlee - Pok pok bujang lapok
116. P. Ramlee - Pukul tiga pagi
117. P. Ramlee - Sedangkan lidah lagi tergigit
118. P. Ramlee - Senjakala
119. P. Ramlee - Terbang burung terbang
120. P. Ramlee - Tiada kata secantik bahasa
121. P. Ramlee - Tidurlah wahai permaisuri
122. P. Ramlee - Ya habibi Ali Baba
123. R. Ismail - Pengantin bersanding
124. R. Azmi - Pak Hitam
125. Rafeah Buang - Tunggu sekejap
126. Rafeah Buang - Udang sama udang
127. Ramli Sarip - Senandung hidup berbudi
128. Ramli Sarip & Khatijah Ibrahim - Kumiliki bayanganmu
129. Ria Resty Fauzy - Cintaku sampai ke Ethiopia
130. Rina Rahman - Kuingin bahagia
131. Rosemaria - Kisah kisah masa lalu
132. Rosiah Chik - Zapin senandung sayang
133. S. Fauziah - Zapin yaladan
134. Salamiah Hassan - Gelombang
135. Salamiah Hassan - Menghitung hari
136. Salih Yaacob - Puteri remaja
137. Saloma - Istana cinta
138. Saloma - Kain songket
139. Saloma - Kenek-kenek udang
140. Saloma - Perwira
141. Saloma - Pesta muda mudi
142. Saloma - Sekapur sireh sulas pinang
143. Saloma - Selamat pengantin baru
144. Sanisah Huri - Sejakku bertemu padamu
145. Sanisah Huri - Si baju hijau
146. Sanisah Huri - Tari tualang tiga
147. Senaria & Adibah Noor - Zapin cinta SMS
148. Sharifah Aini - Bunga tanjung
149. Sharifah Aini - Dipinggir kayangan
150. Sharifah Aini - Dondang sayang
151. Sharifah Aini - Hatiku dicuri lagi
152. Sharifah Aini - Mawar putih untukmu mama
153. Sharifah Aini - Medley nostalgia
154. Sharifah Aini - Seri Dewi Malam
155. Sharifah Aini - Seri Mersing
156. Sharifah Aini - Terbang helang
157. Sharifah Aini & Herman Tino - Serampang laut
158. Sheila Majid - Hitam putih kehidupan
159. Sheila Majid - Wajah rahsia hati
160. Sohaimi Meor Hassan - Epilog cinta dari Bromley
161. Sohaimi Meor Hassan - Apabila isteriku tertawa
162. Sudirman - Apa khabar orang kampung
163. Sudirman - Ayah dan ibu
164. Sudirman - Bila wajahmu ku bayangkan
165. Sudirman - Hujan
166. Sudirman - Jauh di sudut hati
167. Sudirman - Joget kenangan manis
168. Sudirman - Mak inang Melayu
169. Sudirman - Nilai cintamu
170. Sudirman - Patah hati
171. Sudirman - Pelangi petang
172. Sudirman - Warisan
173. Sudirman & Zaleha Hamid - Seri langkat
174. Sweet September - Hatiku kau guris luka
175. Syura - Joget gadis melayu
176. Tari tualang tiga
177. Tetty Kadi - Sepanjang jalan kenangan
178. Titi Said - Indung indung
179. Titiek Puspa - Marilah kemari
180. Uji Rashid - Semakin hari semakin sayang
181. Wann - Apa guna berjanji
182. Wheels - Dalam kenangan
183. Yaladan
184. Yuni Shara - Mengapa tiada maaf
185. Zainuri M. Dom - Ala emak kahwinkan aku
186. Zaleha Hamid - Bunga rampai
187. Zaleha Hamid - Laksamana mati dibunuh
188. Zam Zam - Bibir mesra jiwa parah
189. Malek Ridzuan - Kuala Lumpur Oh Kuala Lumpur
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