Afif PLC turns 5

Today Afif PLC turns 5 years old. If it was a human, it'll still be a toddler. In term of quantity, I should be ashamed that I have blogged a lot less than last year. But you know what they say, it's quality not quantity that matters. I can post a boring story about what I did at work every now and then but I chose not to. If possible, I'd like every post to be interesting or at least beneficial to my readers.

Actually, it's not that I haven't blogged much. It's just that my posts now are spread between 3 different blogs. This one and then Afif Chronicles and Afif 365. Although I only have like 3-4 posts a month here, I blog regularly at least 6 to 7 times a month on Chronicles and almost every day on my Posterous blog. I like the fact that I can just email my posts to Posterous or click the share button to share some interesting news there. Afifcr meanwhile chronicles things that happened in my life that I find memorable enough and worthwhile to share.

Apart from that I also have a few more blogs, photo galleries, not to mention 5 social networking sites that I religiously update every single day. Therefore it's no surprise if I seemed to neglect this blog or blog less on the rest. Twitter especially took much of my free time during the day. Twitter pretty much killed the blogger star (really?).

So from the chart above, you can see that I'm involved in about 18 different social networking sites. On Blogger there is Afif PLC, Afif Chronicles and Serdang Evening News. I have two sites on Posterous namely Afif 365 (now just Afif) and Afif TV where I collect some really cool music videos. I have one Tumblr blog but I use it mainly to store my Instagram pictures. Then there is the social networks. Facebook, Foursquare, Path and Google+. At the moment I store most of my pictures on SkyDrive and Instagram but my older collections are still kept on Picasa & Flickr. Finally there's Twitter. @afifplc is my main Twitter account where I keep abreast with all the latest development in the world. The main channel for expressing my thoughts and also interacting with some of the coolest strangers on the Internet. @afifrais is more like a personal Twitter account for me. I don't tweet much here and I only follow a handful of people. Still they contain some of my more private thoughts that I don't feel comfortable sharing with much of the world which is also ironic because I do have 78 followers there (including bots). My third Twitter account is kinda private and secret and also my alter-ego where I feel free and liberated to let out whatever thoughts I have on my mind to just about anybody without worrying about the repercussions.

As you can see there seems to be a lot of square little tiles on this blog today. They were inspired by the Windows Phone 7 Metro UI which I find really fascinating. Apart from iOS, I think the Metro UI is one of the prettiest user interface ever made out there. Naturally I'm planning of getting one of those WP7 phones, someday, once I can afford it.

Finally, some time last month I have launched my little online shopping site on Facebook. It's called Afif Store and apart from refurbished computers and notebooks, I also have some computer accessories there and about a dozen new smartphones and tablets, most of them Android. For now business is a little bit slow because I haven't done much marketing on it but I plan to, soon, once I can make time. Feel free to visit and like my Afif Store page on Facebook. Who knows you might just find something interesting there which suits your need.

Oh if you haven't noticed, this blog also have a domain of it's own too right now. About time. I got this domain from Exabytes for 12 ringgit during a promotion there last week.

Happy New Year from all of us here at Afif

That would be just me myself and I :)