I was a great proponent of
Webe postpaid plan (now known as Unifi Mobile Postpaid). For just RM79 a month you get unlimited everything - voice, SMS and most importantly data. No other telco in their right mind would ever offer that kind of generous plan for such an affordable price. Well almost no other telco except UMobile, but you know how bad their coverage is.
Now Unifi Mobile is introducing their brand new prepaid Unifi Mobile #Bebas plan with even more affordable plan for the rest of us. The introductory promo include giving out free prepaid starter SIM packs with 20GB free data, 10 minutes voice and 10 SMS. What’s more, the prepaid doesn’t expire for as long as you use any of the voice, SMS or data service once in 90 days, for real. Pretty good deal huh? Gone are the days where you have to reload at least 30 ringgit every month just to keep your prepaid line active whether you use it or not.
So I got myself 5 free SIM cards, two for myself and one for each of my children. Coverage-wise, they’re pretty similar to their postpaid line. Sometimes you get good 4G coverage, other times it drops to 3G. The only downside that I notice is that the data plan is a bit on the expensive side. RM30 only gets you 4GB of quota and they are further divided into 2GB LTE and 2GB 3G. Since their 4G coverage is not that good, you’ll use up your 3G quota a lot faster. Digi prepaid for example offers a generous 35GB of combined Internet and streaming quota and Hotlink offers 6GB of Internet and unlimited social media apps use for the same price.
That said, this Unifi Mobile #Bebas is perfect for me because I only need this prepaid line on my other phone which I use mainly for games, video streaming and social media (read: Instagram). Most of the time I use either the home or office wi-fi or my mobile broadband MiFi device. So you see, I rarely finish my month 4GB data quota not to mention the voice and SMS quotas. I usually reload once in 3 or 4 months. It’s the perfect plan for me. As of now I don’t see any other telco offering similar never-expire plans.
While the never-expire plan works great for me, I have to mention that the 4G data coverage and availability are pretty poor compared to other telcos like Maxis, Celcom and Digi. Many times, I can’t depend on my Unifi Mobile prepaid line to Waze for locations or stream videos because the signal is only 3G, especially away from the cities. It’s a compromise you had to make for the price or is it the non-expiry feature? So if you don’t want to reload your prepaid line every month like me, Unifi Mobile prepaid is perfect for you. If you value availability and reliable Internet connection more, look for the other telcos.