Did I say I was tired? Well, tired as I was, we decided to go to Malacca town anyway since were so near. But first we stop by Linda’s friend place in Taman Bukit Rambai en route to Malacca for her Raya open house.

I had this delicious nasi kerabu for breakfast. I was impressed that somebody not from Kelantan can cook nasi kerabu so well until I found out that all the food stuff was catered. No wonderlah.

Malacca town is only about 45km from A Famosa Resort but since we took the trunk road the journey last nearly an hour because we had to stop at like a million traffic lights.

Actually I’ve never been to Mallaca town proper although I’ve passed through Ayer Keroh a dozen times and even joined a Rakan Muda camp there once.

It took me
an hour sometime to locate the A Famosa and the surrounding historical area since it’s my first visit there. All you need to do is find Jalan Parameswara that leads to Jalan Kota where all the red coloured buildings are situated. What directions? Real men don’t ask for directions. I mean Parameswara didn’t have to ask for directions and neither do I.

We were greeted by a bunch of super-friendly trishaw riders at the entrance. They offered us a ride around the A Famosa vicinity for 10 ringgit which we politely decline.

First we decided to climb up the steps to St Paul’s hills which proved to be a huge mistake. My knees still hurts from yesterday’s game and poor Linda was panting like mad when we finally got to the top.

Near the top we encountered a really unpleasant episode where this beggar guy here peed nonchalantly at the spot marked with yellow arrow. His urine sprayed everywhere on the steps and we watched several unsuspecting tourist walking on the stained steps. Ewww that’s totally gross!

On top of the hill are the ruins of St Paul’s church. Here you can find the courtyard still intact and several ancient stone slabs. Pretty boring stuff really.

You can see a lovely view of Malacca town from the hilltop including the old Malacca harbour and seaside.

To tell you the truth, visiting old ruins and ancient buildings is not really my favourite past time. Truth is I’d rather be spending my time at some seaside resort frolicking on the beach. Heck, even visiting PC Fair or Low Yat plaza is more fun than this.

But then again you can’t say you’ve been to Malacca until you visit this old ruin. You’ve probably seen A Famosa from the front right? This is how it looks from the rear. Inside you can find a couple of really bored looking musicians and painters.

There’s about half a dozen museums near A Famosa but we didn’t have the time or energy to visit any of them. So tired already climbing them hill.

Instead we took pictures near old planes and trains.

Right next to A Famosa is the brand new Dataran Pahlawan shopping mall. Brand new ke?

Dataran Pahlawan is comparable to Mines Shopping Fair lah I think. Got Starbucks, Guardian etc etc.

Okay I've ran out of things to write...
Yak yak yak yak.

“Oooo magic faraway tree, please give us good 4D numbers”

These two policemen are just for show only. Don't come to them if you get robbed or anything.

“Museums? But teacher, we only want to see Barney & friends!”

Around 5 o'clock we decided to call it a day. My knees is hurting like crazy and I have another 100 km to drive back.

Adam and his mischievous look. When he grins like that he must be up to no good.
We didn't buy any souvenir from Malacca but the guys from MPMB were kind enough to give us one in the form of a parking ticket. Since I never-ever pay my DBKL summons I'd like to ask the folks from Malacca, do I really need to pay that ticket?