Adam had been to the attic a hundred times. He’d been to the attic to find plates and glasses for his Mama and he’d been to the attic to retrieve his Papa’s golf clubs every spring, though Adam* couldn’t understand why it was that his Mama and Papa couldn’t get their own plates and golf clubs. Adam really hated the attic—it was dark, there were cobwebs, there were nails sticking out of the floor in places, and the whole thing smelled a little too much like his grandmother.

But one day, Adam got stuck in the attic for an entire day, and it turned out to be the best day of his life. It all started when his sister, Mia*, came into his room late one Sunday morning. Adam was drawing, which was one of his favorite things to do, and so he was annoyed at Mia for interrupting him. Mia was a bossy sister; she was always ordering him around, making him run errands and do favors, and generally being not as nice as Adam felt a sister should be.
Adam looked up from his notebook and asked her what she wanted.
“I need you to do me a favor,” she said.
“Big surprise,” said Adam, rolling his eyes.
“No seriously, I really need your help today. It’s a special assignment, and it would mean a lot to me if you’d help me.”
“Okay, fine,” he said. “If it’s important. What can I do to help you?”
“A bunch of my friends are coming over today and we’re going to play soccer in the yard. I need you to go upstairs and grab the bag of sports stuff from the attic.”
“That seems like something you could do, Mia,” said Adam. “I don’t really see why you need my help.”
“Because I’ve got to make the iced tea,” she replied. “Do you know how to make the iced tea?”
Adam had to admit that he did not know how to make the iced tea.
So they left Adam’s room and headed to the door to the attic.
“Thanks so much, Adam. You’re a great brother,” Mia said.
Adam thought he saw her smirk as she said this, but opened the door and headed upstairs anyway. As soon as he did, everything suddenly went dark, and he realized that Mia had slammed the door behind him. And then he heard a click. He was locked in.
Why on earth had he trusted Mia? Adam fumbled against the wall to find the light switch and proceeded up the stairs. His parents were probably all the way downstairs and would never hear him if he yelled. Mia wouldn’t be coming back anytime soon. So he was on his own until someone noticed he was gone, which hopefully wouldn’t be too long. He sat down on an old dusty box labeled ‘Adventure Supplies’ and tried his best hardest not to cry. He was pretty lonely.
Just then Adam heard a noise to his right. He looked deep into the corner of the attic, in the direction of where his Papa kept his golf clubs in winter. He didn’t see anything at first, but as his eyes adjusted to the darkness, Adam could swear that he saw something move.

“Probably just a stupid mouse,” Adam thought to himself.
But it wasn’t just a stupid mouse. Adam heard another sound and looked even closer. And as he did, he saw something that terrified him. A little man emerged from the corner, dressed in what appeared to be a safari costume. He stood at attention, cleared his throat, and began to speak.
“On behalf of the residents of the At Tick Jungle, I demand you declare yourself and your intentions,” he said.
Adam was very, very confused.
“This isn’t a jungle,” he said. “This is my attic.”
“Precisely,” said the little man. “This is the At Tick Jungle, and as its chosen representative I demand you identify yourself.”
“I’m Adam,” said Adam.
The little man took a step back, removed his hat, and spoke quietly to himself for a Moment.
“Surely you’re not THE Adam. The Adam who made a drawing of a duck several years ago?”
Adam was still very confused, but it was true that he had, several years before, completed a drawing of a duck.
“I guess I am,” he said, nervously.
“Well, good sir,” said the little man, “we know all about you. We have been wondering when we would meet you.”
“We?” said Adam.
“Yes, all of the inhabitants of the At Tick Jungle are familiar with you—boxes and boxes of your clothes and sports equipment and report cards and photographs are constantly being left for us to look at. I cannot even begin to tell you what an honour it is to meet you finally.”
“Well thank you,” said Adam. “It’s nice to meet you, too.”

“You must come with me immediately! The others have to meet you!” said the little man, as he disappeared behind a box, into the eaves.
Adam crawled behind the box and followed him. They squeezed under a low hanging eave, and suddenly emerged into a room that Adam never knew existed.
He couldn’t believe his eyes. His attic was somehow transformed into a beautiful jungle. There was a long, dark river cutting through mossy ground, enormous trees, rainforest mist everywhere, birds chirping, wild horses scampering around, elephants playing in the water and miniature giraffes munching on the low leaves of the trees. Adam’s new friend took him around to each animal to introduce him. To Adam’s great surprise, they could all talk, and they did indeed all know a great deal about him. He spent the afternoon in the secret jungle, talking with his safari friend and the elephants and the giraffes and the horses, learning about the At Tick Jungle, swimming in the little river, and answering questions about himself. (Despite all they knew about him, they had lots of questions; the elephants were especially curious.)
Before Adam knew it, it was almost time for dinner. He bid his jungle pals goodbye and told them he’d visit soon.
“Don’t delay,” said the safari man. “We can’t wait to hear more tales from the world of Adam.”
“I won’t,” said Adam, knowing that he would be back soon.

As Adam ducked back into the main room of the attic and emerged from behind the box, he saw his sister coming up the stairs.
“Hi, Adam,” she said, “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have locked you up here all day. I didn’t want you interrupting me and my friends, but it was wrong—and I’m not just saying that because Mama made me.” Mia looked like she WAS kind of saying it because their Mama had made her.
“That’s okay,” Adam said with a grin. “I’ve had a good time.”
“Yeah, right. A real blast, I’m sure. What did you do all day?”
“Oh, you know,” said Adam. “Just kept to myself.”
As they walked downstairs, Adam turned around, just in time to see an elephant’s trunk peeking out from around the box, waving goodbye.
Okay I did not suddenly become a talented children story writer but I did made this story up with help from
Story Something website. This website creates personalized stories (complete with graphic) for children where they place your kids (or any kids) as the central character or heroes in the story. The story then can be viewed on the web or emailed to anyone. Of course you can also print and bind them nicely as a little book.
Head on now to the
Story Something website to create your very own story. There are 55 stories to choose from at the moment and you can choose from a short story or a slightly longer version.
*p.s. Adam and Mia are my 2 lovely children :)