Apart from withdrawal for house purchase, you can also withdraw your savings from the
Employee Provident Fund (KWSP) for educational purposes.

First you have to make sure that you have some savings in your Account 2. You can withdraw any amount of money from there. Then go to the EPF
website and download the education withdrawal form. On the form you can already find some detailed instruction there. Fill up the form accordingly and make a photocopy of your Identity Card. For first timers, make a copy of your university/college offer letter as well.

Head on to your university treasury and ask for a student confirmation letter from them. It looked pretty much like the one above. Make sure they follow the guideline provided by EPF.

Next visit the nearest EPF office. They one I went to was in Shah Alam. Take a number and hand over the documents. You will get a notice of application slip. After that you'll have to wait for at least a week for them to process the application. If you already paid the fees in advance, they will bank in the money into your account. If you haven't paid yet (like me), they will pay directly to the university.

If you're a UiTM student like me, you don't have to wait for the payment to be complete. You can hand over the notice of application slip to the university treasury right away. They will take it and chop the subjects registration slip.

After that you take the subjects registration slip to the modules/text book section and collect your books there. It's a simple as that. I finished the entire process in less than 2 hours. Well. knowing your way around Shah Alam did help.

So now you can start studying already!