Oops, I did it again

I’m delighted to announce today that my lovely wife is 7 weeks pregnant! I guess it’s about time. It’s been nearly 3 years and all. No we’ve not been trying, just let nature took it course. If we've been trying, we'd had 2 more babies by now. (so confidence with meself :P). We found out about it last week after 2 pregnancy tests at home and a visit to the doctor that confirmed it. Gosh I’m gonna be a dad, again! (me = so terrified).

Now how did this happen? Oh wait, I remember now. It was a cold, rainy Sunday evening that July 15th. There was nothing good on tv, no Smallville, just some crappy JomHeboh concert. Adam gone to bad early that day, probably tired after running around Jusco earlier. And then with one touch it all happen…

(for the rest of the story just use your imagination)

All they signs were there. Her period was late (and didn’t come at all), her sniffles were stiff, she’s tired all the time and everybody’s been telling her she’d gained weight. Even Linda was suspicious that she might be pregnant all along. I meanwhile told her that little bulge at her tummy is probably just 100% fat (I’m a jerk, I know).

So now, 7 weeks along Linda have been having all the usual morning sickness and nausea. She’s also had her fair share of cravings for certain foods like ice creams, slurpee, laksa, bihun etcetera. Thank God it’s not anything weird like kangaroo burger or red cow’s milk (which I won’t entertain anyway).

Adam’s seemed quite cool with all this brother/sister stuff. When asked if he’d like a new baby he just replied nak! - nak! I doubt he has any inkling what’s going on though. Just wait till the baby comes out then you find out wan.

Despite only 7 weeks along I’ve been coming up with baby names already, all of them girls though. I’m particularly fond of this W.N.A or A. F name, which I’ve thought off long time ago. I do hope it’s a girl this time since I’ve been dreaming to have a baby girl since like forever! But then again most of the time I rarely get what I want so if it’s a boy, we’ll accept it with our arms wide open nevertheless. The naming convention goes like this: it has to start with an A andd a F you know, like Adam Farihin. I’ve loads of name for girls but I no clue what to name him if it’s a boy, some help please?

And just like my friend Rin, I’ll taking some time of from blogging you know, so that I can take care and pay more attention to wifey.

Yeah right.


  1. Congrats again...yea i think so too that linda has gained so much weight although she's only 7 weeks into pregnancy..wishing her all the best!

  2. Why, thanks dude. Still waiting for you to join the club he he!
