Hari Raya celebrations (part 2)

This is where my great grandma the late Hajjah Siti Fatimah binti Ahmad were laid to rest. Someday I hope I will be buried here too. After all we all gonna die sometime right?

Like time and tide, death waits for no man, young or old. The ultimate question is are we prepared it? As Muslims have we done enough to reserve a place in God's heaven? Or is it gonna be elsewhere?

At the graveyard we usually cite the Yasin, a verse from the Koran as a gift for the deceased. To my beloved nenek, I'm sorry I only visit you once a year. I wish I could come more often but you knowlah petrol price has all gone up and stuff. This is all Pak Lah's fault.

After that we return home to Kampung Dangar for the next Hari Raya ritual, bermaafan & bersalaman and the photographic sessions. Like always we bought several hundred sticks of satay to eat during Hari raya.

Usually I get to be the de facto satay burner every Raya morning but this year Faiz beat me to it.

Remember my Uncle who worked as a Mas engineer? Well this is him. He came back for Hari Raya every year without fail.

And this is his youngest kid, the twin Faqih & Falik (or is it Falik & Faqih?). I still can't tell between the two.

This is the 2nd most handsomest guy in Pasir Mas this week. Hmm, wonder who's the most handsome...

No they're not for sale. Just a collection of everybody's phone. 50 cent if you can guess which are mine.

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