Last Friday my company treated us with a
buka puasa dinner (breaking of fast) at Mariott Hotel near Putrajaya. Last year we went to Palm Garden resort just next door.

Since we don’t do annual dinners like other companies, the
buka puasa dinner is the closet thing we get to that. My company paid RM95.50++ per head for the dinner. Is it expensive? You betcha. But do we deserve it? Definitely!

I got there about 5 minutes late cause I had to fetch Linda from work, pick up Adam and drop her at home. Wish I could bring them along but unfortunately the dinner’s only for staffs.

After all everybody’s invited for the dinner including practical training staffs which numbers to around 50. The food was in general
okay lah, I give 3.5 out of 5 stars. I was already full after a plate full of rice, fried chicken and several mutton dishes. I did sample the Mexican food, barbecue mutton,
satay, ABC and ice cream. But to be honest, I’d much prefer the menu at Pizza Hut than all the hotel foods I’ve tasted so far.

So for RM95.50++ I only ate for like RM50.00 worth of food that evening. Imagine the profit these hotels and restaurants made from such buffet dinners.

After dinner we hang around the hotel chitchatting and took pictures of each other. Bujal for example has requested that I took his picture with our new staff, Azira. (Like I don’t know you want us to gossip her with you)

What Bujal didn’t know is Azira got a boyfriend already maa! We just saw her boyfriend pick her up after work today. (Tough luck man ha ha!). I told you to get a new car. Chicks these days don’t dig beat up
Kancils err I mean Ferraris you know. At least you should get a
Savvy or something.

This is ‘
abang seluar londeh’ posing for picture he he! What can I say? I lost an inch or two this past few weeks.

This is our new web developer, Nora (left). She’s responsible for developing and maintaining our company website. Hey check out our new and improved website (for those who knew where I work lah – it’s

Pictured here is some of our CFMS department member. That’s En. Latiff the department’s head (in the white shirt). He just got involved in a car accident recently. His
Peugot Evente is almost a wreck but fortunately he survived the accident unhurt.

That’s (drum roll) The Boss enjoying the company of his female staffs. Just a few hours earlier he announced that we all got a generous amount of
duit raya (pocket money) each yay!! Thanks a lot boss.

This is Mr. Shazrain and his kid. He’s so cute and well-behaved, just like my Adam Farihin! (yeah right).

And this is Acha (in maroon
baju melayu). He’s our official company clown/jester. Aside from dispatching letters and documents, he’s responsible for keeping us amused with his silly jokes and funny antics.

I don’t know why but apparently the girls at my office have this thing for married men. That’s my manager Mr. Mazlan (in the middle) by the way.
He’s also known as 7-Eleven because he just can’t stop talking/nagging.
Owh shite, I forgot to
photoshop my stomach hold my breath for this shot.

This is Chip Fida, one of our many software engineers.

Although the place was quite crowded during
berbuka time, overall I’m quite satisfied with the dining experience, the good food, great service and the music.

I only have one complaint though. The hotel management ought to have provided a proper praying room for Muslims customers instead of a conference room turned into a makeshift

Anyway, many thanks to The Boss and my company for the dinner treat. We had a really good time there and we look forward to that Club Med holiday you were talking about in December. Till then,